Oracle Apps Funtional and Technical

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Oracle FND User API

CREATE User using Oracle FND User API
-- -------------------------------------- 
-- API to CREATE FND User 
-- -------------------------------------- 
Using the below code, you can create a User in Oracle application and parameters are user name, password and email id . 

   v_user_name    VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('&Enter_User_Name');
   v_password     VARCHAR2 (30) := '&Enter_Password';
   v_session_id   INTEGER       := USERENV ('sessionid');
   v_email        VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('&Enter_Email_Id');
   fnd_user_pkg.createuser (x_user_name                 => v_user_name,
                            x_owner                     => NULL,
                            x_unencrypted_password      => v_password,
                            x_session_number            => v_session_id,
                            x_start_date                => SYSDATE,
                            x_end_date                  => NULL,
                            x_email_address             => v_email
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('User:' || v_user_name || ' Created Successfully');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Unable to create User due to'
                            || SQLCODE
                            || ' '
                            || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 100)

UPDATE User using Oracle FND User API
-- -------------------------------------- 
-- API to UPDATE FND User 
-- -------------------------------------- 
To update email Id from to 

   v_user_name                VARCHAR2 (100) := 'ORA_USER';
   v_password                 VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Oracle123';
   v_user_start_date          DATE           := TO_DATE ('01-OCT-2015');
   v_user_end_date            VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
   v_password_date            VARCHAR2 (100) := TO_DATE ('01-NOV-2015');
   v_password_lifespan_days   NUMBER         := 90;
   v_email_address            VARCHAR2 (100) := '';
                       (x_user_name                   => v_user_name,
                        x_owner                       => NULL,
                        x_unencrypted_password        => v_password,
                        x_start_date                  => v_user_start_date,
                        x_end_date                    => v_user_end_date,
                        x_password_date               => v_password_date,
                        x_password_lifespan_days      => v_password_lifespan_days,
                        x_employee_id                 => NULL,
                        x_email_address               => v_email_address
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('User:' || v_user_name || ' Updated Successfully');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM);

You can use the below code to reset the password.
   v_user_name      VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('&Enter_User_Name');
   v_new_password   VARCHAR2 (30) := '&Enter_New_Password';
   v_status         BOOLEAN;
   v_status :=
      fnd_user_pkg.changepassword (username         => v_user_name,
                                   newpassword      => v_new_password

   IF v_status = TRUE
                          (   'The password reset successfully for the User:'
                           || v_user_name
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Unable to reset password due to'
                            || SQLCODE
                            || ' '
                            || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 100)
   END IF;

ADD Responsibility to User using Oracle FND User API
-- -------------------------------------- 
-- API to ADD Responsibility FND User 
-- -------------------------------------- 

   v_user_name              VARCHAR2 (100) := 'ORA_USER';
   v_resp_appl_short_name   VARCHAR2 (100) := 'FND';
   v_responsibility_key     VARCHAR2 (100) := 'APPLICATION_DEVELOPER';
   v_security_group_key     VARCHAR2 (100) := 'STANDARD';
   v_resp_start_date        DATE           := TO_DATE ('02-Oct-2015');
   v_resp_end_date          DATE           := NULL;
   fnd_user_pkg.addresp (username            => v_user_name,
                         resp_app            => v_resp_appl_short_name,
                         resp_key            => v_responsibility_key,
                         security_group      => v_security_group_key,
                         description         => NULL,
                         start_date          => v_resp_start_date,
                         end_date            => v_resp_end_date
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Responsibility added to :'
                         || v_user_name
                         || ' Successfully'
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM);

END Date Responsibility to User using Oracle FND User API
-- -------------------------------------- 
-- API to Update Responsibility FND User 
-- -------------------------------------- 

   v_user_name             VARCHAR2 (100) := 'ORA_USER';
   v_responsibility_name   VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Application Developer';
   v_application_name      VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
   v_responsibility_key    VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
   v_security_group        VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
   SELECT fa.application_short_name, fr.responsibility_key,
     INTO v_application_name, v_responsibility_key,
     FROM fnd_responsibility fr,
          fnd_application fa,
          fnd_security_groups frg,
          fnd_responsibility_tl frt
    WHERE fr.application_id = fa.application_id
      AND fr.data_group_id = frg.security_group_id
      AND fr.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id
      AND frt.responsibility_name = v_responsibility_name;

   fnd_user_pkg.delresp (username            => v_user_name,
                         resp_app            => v_application_name,
                         resp_key            => v_responsibility_key,
                         security_group      => v_security_group
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Responsiblity '
                         || v_responsibility_name
                         || ' is removed from the user '
                         || v_user_name
                         || ' Successfully'
         (   'Error encountered while deleting responsibilty from the user and the error is '
          || SQLERRM

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Under Maintenance

Sunday 27 September 2015

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Introduction

This article is an easy guide for Techno-functional consultant to understand SCM from Implementation as well as Oracle Application product Prospective.
  • A Supply Chain is a network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities and suppliers that participate in the sale, delivery and production of a particular product. Make a note a supply chain is product specific, not company specific
  • Supply chain management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the entire flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customer.
  • Moreover , SCM involves the flows of material, information and finance in a network consisting of customers,suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.
  • Supply Chain Management is the management of the entire value-added chain, from the supplier to manufacturer right through to the retailer and the final customer.SCM has three primary goals: Reduce inventory, increase the transaction speed by exchanging data in real-time, and increase sales by implementing customer requirements more efficiently
  • The need for SCM is because effective Supply Chain Mgt. is the next logical step towards increased profits and market share.
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM) in line manager prospective is "let's-keep-things-moving-efficiently".
What is Oracle's SCM Solution for Customer

Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM) basically integrates and automates all key supply chain activities starting from design, planning, and procurement to manufacturing and fulfillment.It depends upon how the company or Line managers planning to use these application module in there business line. For better understanding from Product point, lets understood on eight key area as per figure:

Here are the details with underline Product which is potentially used.

1. Develop : SCM start with developing new products where Product specifications are created.
  • Oracle Product Life cycle Management(PLM)
  • Oracle Advanced product Catalog (EGO )
2. Market : Marketing and Sales generates demand for the Product by publicizing its features and how it would address customer priorities. In the process, Marketing also gets customer feedback and communicates to Product development group. These are application potentially can be used.
  • Telesales (AST)
  • Trade Management (OZF)
  • Incentive Compensation (CN)
  • Order Capture (ASO)
  • Partners Online (POL)
3.  Plan : Planning is the strategic portion of SCM. You need a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for your product or service.
  • Advanced Supply Chain Planning (MSC)
  • Global Order Promising (GOP )
4. Sell & Manage Orders : Maintain and manage the customer orders, order holds, notes and release the orders to warehouse for fulfillment based on requested date, product availability and customer credit limit.
  • Order management (OM)
  • Advanced Pricing (QP)
  • Configurator (CZ)
  • iStore (IBE)
5. Procure : Here you normally choose the suppliers that will deliver the goods and services you need to create your product. Develop a set of pricing, delivery and payment processes with suppliers and create metrics for monitoring and improving the relationships.
  • Purchasing (PUR)
  • iProcurement(iPROC)
6. Manufacture : Schedule the manufacturing activities necessary for production, testing, packaging and preparation for delivery.
  • Cost Management (CST)
  • Process Manufacturing (GMA)
  • Project Manufacturing (PJM)
  • Quality (QA)
  • Work in Process(WIP )
7. Fulfill & Release Management : Coordinate the receipt of orders from customers, develop a network of warehouses, pick carriers to get products to customers and set up an invoicing system to receive payments.
  • Shipping Execution (WSH)
  • Inventory Management (INV)
  • WareHouse Management System (WMS)
  • Transportation Execution (FTE )
8. Service & Maintain : Create a network for receiving defective and excess products back from customers and supporting customers who have problems with delivered products.
  • Depot Repair (CSD)
  • Field Service (CSF)
  • Install Base (CSI)
  • Service Contracts (OKS)
  • Service Fulfillment Manager (XDP)
  • Spares Management(CSP )
Oracle Provided SCM Solutions

1. Procure to Pay
Oracle module can be potentially used as
· Oracle Purchasing(PUR)
· iProcurement(iProc)
· iSupplier Portal(isupplier)
· Payables(AP)
· Purchasing Intelligence(for BI)
2. Order to Cash
Oracle module can be potentially used as
· Oracle Order Management (OM)
· Oracle Inventory (INV)
· Shipping Execution (WSH)
· Advanced Pricing (QP)
· Oracle Configurator (CZ)
· Warehouse Management (WMS)
· Receivables(AR)
3. Lead to Service
Oracle module can be potentially used as
· CRM Foundation (JTF)
· Sales Online (ASF)
· Marketing Online (AMS)
· Customer Care (CSC)
· Install Base (CSI)
· Depot Repair (CST)
· Service Contracts (OKS)
· iStore (IBE)
· iSupport (IBU)
· Field Service (CSF )
4. Forecast to Plan
Oracle module can be potentially used as
· Material Planning (MRP)
· Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP)
· Collaborative Planning
5. Demand to Build
Oracle module can be potentially used as
· Demand Planning (MSD)
· Bills of Material (BOM)
· Work in Process (WIP)
· Cost Management (CST)
· Flow Manufacturing (FLM )

Saturday 26 September 2015

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) version 12 is an internet enabled product that can be managed from a single site. A company can operate a single data center with a single database, similar to other ERP products. This release was launched in 2007 and contains a number of product lines which users can implement for their business. Oracle EBS includes the company’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) product as well as supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) applications.

Each application is licensed separately so companies can select the combination that is suitable for their business processes.

The applications found in the Oracle EBS include:

  • Oracle CRM
  • Oracle Financials
  • Oracle Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
  • Oracle Logistics
  • Oracle Supply Chain Applications
  • Oracle Order Management
  • Oracle Transportation Management
  • Oracle Warehouse Management System

Oracle CRM
The Oracle CRM application provides the "front office" functions which help a business to increase customers and customer loyalty and satisfaction. The basic functionality includes marketing, order capture, contracts, field service, spares management and the call center functionality. The CRM application also includes internet focused products such as catalogs, content management, quote and order management.

Oracle Financials
The Financials applications include General Ledger, Cash Management, Payables, Receivables, Fixed Assets, Treasury, Property Management, Financial Analyzer and a self-service expenses function.

Oracle Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
The HRMS application helps companies manage the recruit-to-retire process. The application gives users a real-time view of all the HR activities, including recruiting, time management, training, compensation, benefits and payroll. The HRMS suite integrates fully with the other EBS applications and supplies the users with an analytics package that allows the extraction of HR data with ease.

Oracle Logistics
The logistics module allows users to plan, manage, and control the flow and storage of products and services within a business. It provides information to plan future demand and safety stock within the warehouse. The application can create detailed, constraint-based production schedules and material plans.

Oracle Supply Chain Applications
Supply chain applications powers a businesses information-driven supply chains. Companies can predict market requirements, innovate in response to volatile market conditions, and align operations across global networks. Oracle offers industry-specific solutions that includes product development, demand management, sales and operations planning, transportation management, and supply management.

Oracle Order Management
Order management applications can streamline and automate a business’s entire sales order management process, from order promising and order capture to transportation and shipment. Order management also includes EDI, XML, telesales and web storefronts. Some of the business benefits that can be achieved include reduced fulfillment costs, reduced order fulfillment cycle time, increased order accuracy and greater on-time delivery.

Oracle Transportation Management
Transportation management (TMS) provides transportation planning and execution capabilities to shippers and third party logistics providers. It integrates and streamlines transportation planning, execution and freight payment. The TMS function delivers functionality for all modes of transportation, from full truckload to complex air, ocean, and rail shipments. The benefits of the TMS function include reduced transportation costs, improved customer service and greater asset utilization.

Oracle Warehouse Management System
Oracle’s Warehouse Management System allows the coordinated movement of goods and information throughout the extended distribution process. The module provides business processes that can deliver efficient utilization of employees, equipment, and space in the distribution process. Benefits include an acceleration of the flow of products through the supply chain while reducing lead times and releasing working capital, real time inventory management, cross-docking, pick-by-line, advanced ship notices (ASN), inbound planning and yard management.

The applications that are included in the E-Business Suite cover the wide range of business processes that are found in any company(package based implementation). The industry-specific solutions supplied by Oracle can easily reduce time and resources required to implement the solution and provide businesses with configured business processes that will improve overall effectiveness.

What is ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning?

ERP is an industry acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. Broadly speaking, ERP refers to automation and integration of a company's core business to help them focus on effectiveness & simplified success.

An ERP System automates and integrates core business processes such as taking customer orders, scheduling operations, and keeping inventory records and financial data. ERP systems can drive huge improvements in the effectiveness of any organization by:

  • Assisting you in defining your business processes and ensuring they are complied with throughout the supply chain;
  • Protecting your critical business data through well-defined roles and security access
  • Enabling you to plan your work load based on existing orders and forecasts
  • Providing you with the tools to give a high level of service to your customers
  • Translating your data into decision making information

Benefits of ERP for your Business

  1. Integration across all business processes - To realize the full benefits of an ERP system it should be fully integrated into all aspects of your business from the customer facing front end, through planning and scheduling, to the production and distribution of the products you make.
  2. Automation enhances productivity - By automating aspects of business processes, ERP makes them more efficient, less prone to error, and faster. It also frees up people from mundane tasks such as balancing data.
  3. Increase overall performance - By integrating disparate business processes, ERP ensures coherence and avoids duplication, discontinuity, and people working at cross purposes, in different parts of the organization. The cumulative positive effect when business processes integrate well is overall superior performance by the organization.
  4. Quality Reports and Performance  Analysis - Analysis on ERP will enable you to produce financial and boardroom quality reports, as well as to conduct analysis on the performance of your organization.
  5. Integrates across the entire supply chain - A best of breed ERP system should extend beyond your organization and integrate with both your supplier and customer systems to ensure full visibility and efficiency across your supply chain.


The fundamental advantage of ERP is that integrated myriad businesses processes saves time and expense. Management can make decisions faster and with fewer errors. Data becomes visible across the organization. Tasks that benefit from this integration include:
  • Sales forecasting, which allows inventory optimization.
  • Chronological history of every transaction through relevant data compilation in every area of operation.
  • Order tracking, from acceptance through fulfillment
  • Revenue tracking, from invoice through cash receipt
  • Matching purchase orders (what was ordered), inventory receipts (what arrived), and costing (what the vendor invoiced).
ERP systems centralize business data, which:
  • Eliminates the need to synchronize changes between multiple systems—consolidation of finance, marketing, sales, human resource, and manufacturing applications
  • Brings legitimacy and transparency to each bit of statistical data
  • Facilitates standard product naming/coding
  • Provides a comprehensive enterprise view (no "islands of information"), making real–time information available to management anywhere, any time to make proper decisions
  • Protects sensitive data by consolidating multiple security systems into a single structure
  • Customization can be problematic. Compared to the best-of-breed approach, ERP can be seen as meeting an organization’s lowest common denominator needs, forcing the organization to find workarounds to meet unique demands.
  • Re-engineering business processes to fit the ERP system may damage competitiveness or divert focus from other critical activities.
  • ERP can cost more than less integrated or less comprehensive solutions.
  • High ERP switching costs can increase the ERP vendor's negotiating power, which can increase support, maintenance, and upgrade expenses.
  • Overcoming resistance to sharing sensitive information between departments can divert management attention.
  • Integration of truly independent businesses can create unnecessary dependencies.
  • Extensive training requirements take resources from daily operations.
  • Due to ERP's architecture (OLTP, On-Line Transaction Processing) ERP systems are not well suited for production planning and supply chain management (SCM).
  • Harmonization of ERP systems can be a mammoth task (especially for big companies) and requires a lot of time, planning, and money.
Some ERP software packages
  • Oracle 
  • SAP 
  • Microsoft Dynamics 
  • Sage Software

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