Oracle Apps Funtional and Technical
Showing posts with label Interview questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview questions. Show all posts

Monday, 12 October 2015

Oracle Apps Basics Interview questions - Part I

1.What is the Diff between APPS Schema and other Sachems?

Apps schema contains only Synonyms we can't create tables in apps schema,where as other sachems contains tables, & all the objects. Here only we will create the tables and giving grants on created tables. Almost all every time we  will connect to apps schema only.
2.What is meant by Custom Top and what is the Purpose?

Custom Top is nothing but Customer Top, which is created for customer only. we can have multiple custom tops based on client requirement. It is used to store developed & customized components. whenever oracle corp applying patches it will over ride on all the modules except custom top. that's why we will use custom top.
3.What is the Significance of US Folder?

It is nothing but language specification by default it is in american language. We can have multiple languages folders  based on installed languages from back end we can get it from,

select language_code,nls_language from fnd_languages where installed_flag like 'B'

4.Where did U find the Application short name and base path names?

select base path,application_short_name from fnd_application from the back end. From the from end we can get it Navigation Application Developer.-----> Application---->Register The application name we will get from FND_APPLICATION_TL
5.Where can U find the release version from back end?

SELECT release_name from FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS; ---  
6.What are the Folders we will find below the 11.5.0 Folder?
Reports,forms,sql,lib,log,out,bin,admin,html,xml,msg,def, etc            

7.Can we create Tables in the Apps Schema?

8.Can we have custom schema when it it required?
yes, we can have custom schema, when we want to create a new table we required custom schema.              
9.What is meant by concurrent Program?
It is nothing but Instance of the execution along with parameters & Incompatibles. Here Incompatibles nothing but if we  are submitting cc programs if any one can be execute in those program , which programs r not imp yet this time we will  mention those programs in incompatibles tab.              

10.What are the steps we will follow to register Reports as Concurrent Program?
 First develop the report & save it in local machine. upload into custom_top/11.5.0/reports/us/ go to system  administrator  open executable form create executable by mentioning executable method as reports ,executable  as report name which  was created. go to cc program form create concurrent program by attach executable name in executable section. then attach this  concurrent program to request group, Request group to Responsibility.Responsibility to User.                  

11.What is meant by Request group?
It is nothing but collection of concurrent programs.        
12.Value Validation Types?

1. Dependant
2. Independent
3. None
4. Pair
5. Special
6. Table
7. Translate Independent
8. Translate Dependent

13. Incompatibility in report registration and Run Alone?

Identify programs that should not run simultaneously with your concurrent program because they might interfere with its execution. You can specify your program as being incompatible with itself.
Application: Although the default for this field is the application of your concurrent program, you can enter any valid application name.
Name: The program name and application you specify must uniquely identify a
concurrent program. Your list displays the user-friendly name of the program, the short name, and the description of the program.
Scope: Enter Set or Program Only to specify whether your concurrent program is incompatible with this program and all its child requests (Set) or only with this program (Program Only).
Run Alone: Indicate whether your program should run alone relative to all other programs in the same logical database. If the execution of your program interferes with the execution of all other programs in the same logical database (in other words, if your program is incompatible with all programs in its logical database, including itself), it should run alone.



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